Protecting Your Online Reputation

Your online personal reputation is the perception people have of you when they find you online, so your online reputation and that of your family is a big deal and you need to ensure it is well protected.

Many people use and enjoy social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat but reputational damage can occur if you or a family member posts something inappropriate on social media; for example, drunken or sexually explicit behaviour, or bullying or character assassination against another social media user.

Someone could be looking at your/your family members profile to offer a job/other opportunity and that’s why you need to ensure that the search engine displays a well presented profile that is accurate and up to date.

75% of U.S. adults want to check their online reputation but 48% don’t like what they find when they do, according to data from Google.

To protect your online reputation you’ll need to develop unique strategies to protect and improve your online reputation.


Secure Private Information

You need to emphasize the importance of keeping family and personal information private. Other family members, especially children, should understand that personal data can be used to commit identity theft. That list includes Social Security numbers, bank and credit account numbers, email addresses, home address, phone numbers, birth dates, and current locations.

Set Firm Privacy Settings

Online privacy settings can help protect data and reputation from individuals seeking to do harm. When establishing privacy settings, eliminate any public sharing of family member data and limit access to online posts. This is especially true on social media, which is a ripe target for identity thieves and which can be screened by potential employers, colleges and other interested observers.

Have Everyone Google Themselves

Simply log onto Google, type in your name, and follow the links, including posts and images, and build an inventory of every family member’s name online. If you detect any potentially troubling posts or images or view any posts or images that reveal sensitive personal data, you’ll need to follow-up with each platform/provider or you might want to look into online reputation platforms and firms to work on deleting the post or the sensitive information.

Clean up Family Social Media Platforms

When discussing social media usage online with your family, emphasize the importance of the positive traits and characteristics you want your family members, especially the kids, to demonstrate. The idea is to build a reputation that shows an upbeat and positive online presence, one that will help create a sturdy, friendly, and optimistic reputation.


If you have been impacted by this issue you can get further information from An Garda Síochána


“The internet’s not written in pencil…it’s written in ink’. AG Szpunar

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