Computer Vision Syndrome
Digital Eye Strain
If you frequently use a computer, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS, also referred to as digital eye strain, describes a group of eye-and vision-related problems such as, eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, double vision and headaches, that result from prolonged use of digital screens i.e. computer, tablet, mobile phones and other digital devices.
When you look at a digital screen, your eyes need to work harder to focus. That’s because the text on digital screens isn’t as sharp as the words on a printed page. Also, digital screens are prone to having glare, making it even harder for your eyes to focus properly.
If you are experiencing CVS it does not mean you need to give up your screen time. Changing the way you view a digital screen and also limiting the amount of time you spend in front of a screen will automatically lessen the effect and damage to your eyes.
Ways to Ease Computer Vision Syndrome
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